Friday, March 7, 2014

Marinated Flank Steak

A tasty and tender steak using a relatively inexpensive cut.

I like to cut the flank steak in half, as the flank steak usually has a thinner side and a thicker one.  If I were to cook the entire steak at once, the thinner side would be well done by the time the thicker side was medium rare.  Also, since the steak is long, it's difficult to find a pan wide enough to cook the entire steak at one time.

If you are only cooking half of the steak, you can halve the marinade.  Usually, I cook both halves within a day or two so I make the full marinade and use half of it and save the rest for when I cook the other half of the steak.

DO NOT marinate overnight.  I tried this and the beef absorbed too much marinade and was too sour and became inedible.  I don't really know the cut off point when it starts becoming unappetizing, but I just keep it to 2 hours, as the beef is perfectly seasoned throughout with that amount of time.

enough for 1 large flank steak, 2-3 people (see note above about halving)
1.  1/2 cup veg oil
2.  1/3 cup soy sauce
3.  1/4 cup red wine vinegar
4.  1 TBL worsh
5.  1 TBL dijon
6.  1 TBL honey
7.  1/2 tsp black pepper
8.  3 cloves minced garlic
9.  2 tsp dried parsley
10.  instant read thermometer

1.  Using a measuring cup, measure 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, 1/3 cup of soy sauce, and 1/4 cup of red wine vinegar into a large bowl.
note: - Please measure this, as eye balling it can lead to the marinade being too salty or sour.
2.  Add in the rest of the ingredients, preferably measured, but you can eyeball these.  Mix everything well with a whisk.
3.  Using a fork, poke 50 holes (100 if you are cooking the entire steak or both halves) all throughout the steak, making sure you penetrate through the entire steak.  Flip over and poke another 50 holes (100 if you are cooking the entire steak or both halves) all throughout the steak.  Doing this both tenderizes the beef and also allows for the marinade to penetrate the meat better.
4.  Lay the steak into a clean bowl and poor half of the marinade over it (or if using the entire steak all of the marinade).  Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour.  Save the rest of the marinade for the other half of the steak if you didn't use it.
5.  After 1 hour, take out the bowl, flip the steak over, and cover.  Leave it out at ROOM TEMPERATURE for 1 more hour.
note: - See note above about marinating times.  You do not want to marinate for too long or else the beef will absorb too much marinade and become unappetizing/inedible.
note: - Leaving it out at room temperature allows the beef to come to room temp so it cooks faster and more evenly.
6.  After the 2nd hour of marinating, heat 1 TBL of vegetable oil in a large cast iron pan or skillet over medium high heat.
7.  Take the beef out of the marinate and pat it completely dry with paper towels.
8.  After the oil has heated up for 5 minutes, add the beef to the pan.  Cook, undisturbed, for 2 minutes.  Check under to see if a nice brown crust has formed.  If not cook until it forms a nice brown crust.
9.  Flip over and lower the temperature to medium.  Cook second side for a few minutes until brown and crusty.  Flip steak over and cook for 2 minutes per side on medium heat, flipping every 2 minutes, until the steak is done.
10.  After the second flip, take the temperature of the thickest area of the steak.  You will most likely need another 4-7 minutes of cooking before it is done.  Take the temperature of the steak every time you flip it.
note: - You are aiming for 125 degrees (130 if you like it slightly more done, BUT NO HIGHER THAN THAT.  Flank steak is lean and pretty tough.  If you cook it more than medium rare, it will become shoe leather).
11.  When the thickest part of the steak reaches 115 degrees, stick the thermometer in and leave it in, standing up, so that you can read the temperature as it climbs.  Watch the temperature climb to 125 degrees.  AS SOON AS it hits 125 take it out of the pan and onto a cutting board.
12.  Let the beef rest for 10 minutes. DO NOT CUT INTO IT EARLY.
13.  Cut the beef AGAINST THE GRAIN, AT AN ANGLE, AND INTO 1/8-1/4" THICK SLICES.  Serve immediately.

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